A full-featured http proxy for node.js – GitHub

http-proxy-middleware,express-http-proxy,node http-proxy-middleware,node reverse proxy,nodejs https proxy server,npm http-proxy,node-http-proxy npm,http proxy server

What is proxy server node?
js Proxy Server in Under 10 minutes! In a nutshell, a proxy is an intermediary application which sits between two (or more) services and processes/modifies the requests and responses in both directions. ...Aug 11, 2020

js Proxy Server in Under 10 minutes! In a nutshell, a proxy is an intermediary application which sits between two (or more) services and processes/modifies the requests and responses in both directions. …Aug 11, 2020

What is NPM proxy?
(‘data’, message => {
(‘—PROXY- got message’, String());
let serviceSocket = new ();
nnect(HTTP_SERVER_PORT, ‘localhost’, () => {
(‘—PROXY- Sending message to server’);
(‘data’, data => {
(‘—PROXY- Receiving message from server’, String();
let Server = eateServer((req, res) => {
switch () {
case ‘/’:
res. writeHead(200, {‘Content-Type’: ‘text/html’});


res. writeHead(404, {‘Content-Type’: ‘text/plain’});
(‘404 Not Found’);}});
answered Jun 23 ’17 at 17:03
Francesco CasulaFrancesco Casula23. 5k12 gold badges124 silver badges129 bronze badges
Here’s a more optimized version of Mike’s answer above that gets the websites Content-Type properly, supports POST and GET request, and uses your browsers User-Agent so websites can identify your proxy as a browser. You can just simply set the URL by changing url = and it will automatically set HTTP and HTTPS stuff without manually doing it.
var express = require(‘express’)
var app = express()
const { response} = require(‘express’);
(‘/’, function(clientRequest, clientResponse) {
var url;
url = ”
var parsedHost = (‘/’)(2)(0, 1)(‘/’)
var parsedPort;
var parsedSSL;
if (artsWith(”)) {
parsedPort = 443
parsedSSL =} else if (artsWith(”)) {
parsedPort = 80
parsedSSL =}
hostname: parsedHost,
port: parsedPort,
headers: {
‘User-Agent’: clientRequest. headers[‘user-agent’]}};
var serverRequest = quest(options, function(serverResponse) {
var body = ”;
if (String(serverResponse. headers[‘content-type’]). indexOf(‘text/html’)! == -1) {
(‘data’, function(chunk) {
(‘end’, function() {
// Make changes to HTML files when they’re done being read.
body = place(`example`, `Cat! `);
clientResponse. writeHead(atusCode, serverResponse. headers);
(clientResponse, {
end: true});
ntentType(serverResponse. headers[‘content-type’])}});
(‘Running on 0. 0:3000’)
answered Aug 26 ’20 at 17:39
Your code doesn’t work for binary files because they can’t be cast to strings in the data event handler. If you need to manipulate binary files you’ll need to use a buffer. Sorry, I do not have an example of using a buffer because in my case I needed to manipulate HTML files. I just check the content type and then for text/html files update them as needed:
(‘/*’, function(clientRequest, clientResponse) {
method: ‘GET’};
var googleRequest = quest(options, function(googleResponse) {
if (String(googleResponse. indexOf(‘text/html’)! == -1) {
body = place(/, host + ‘:’ + port);
body = place(
clientResponse. writeHead(atusCode, googleResponse. headers);
end: true});}});
answered Dec 2 ’14 at 23:46
I juste wrote a proxy in nodejs that take care of HTTPS with optional decoding of the message.
This proxy also can add proxy-authentification header in order to go through a corporate proxy. You need to give as argument the url to find the file in order to configurate the usage of corporate proxy.
answered Oct 26 ’16 at 17:09
here is one that I made:
var = require(“”)
var Unblocker = require(“unblocker”)
var unblocker = Unblocker({})
eateServer(function(req, res){
unblocker(req, res, function(err){
var headers = {“content-type”: “text/html”}
res. writeHead(500, headers)
return ( || err)}
if( == “/”){
res. writeHead(200, headers)
return (
Seventh Grade by Gary Soto

res. writeHead(404, headers)
return (“ERROR 404: File Not Found. “);}})})
demo: view the demo:
answered Mar 9 at 16:07
Not the answer you’re looking for? Browse other questions tagged javascript proxy or ask your own question.” alt=”Central registry: an npm proxy acts as a central registry for all your required package versions. … Additionally the proxy caches your packages, removing the worry that a essential package version will be unpublished in the future.Apr 9, 2020″ title=”Central registry: an npm proxy acts as a central registry for all your required package versions. … Additionally the proxy caches your packages, removing the worry that a essential package version will be unpublished in the future.Apr 9, 2020″ />

Central registry: an npm proxy acts as a central registry for all your required package versions. … Additionally the proxy caches your packages, removing the worry that a essential package version will be unpublished in the future.Apr 9, 2020

How do I install HTTP proxy?

Frequently Asked Questions about Nikolay Nikolov is a Software Engineer Intern on the Super SIM team at Twilio. He likes to explore Web and Machine Learning concepts and share his findings with other tech enthusiasts. You can reach Nikolay on LinkedIn or check out his website.”

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