Banned Ebay Items

Prohibited and restricted items – eBay

4 min overviewWhile you can sell almost any item on eBay, maintaining the safety of our community is a responsibility we take very this reason, and to comply with local legal restrictions, some categories of products are restricted, or completely banned from being listed.
If you’re not sure if an item you’re intending to list is allowed or not, choose the relevant category from the list below to find out.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find out what items are allowed on eBay?
If you’re not sure whether your item can be listed on eBay, check our list of prohibited and restricted items below.
What do I do if I see an item that isn’t allowed?
If you see a listing that violates one of our policies, report it by clicking Report item in the listing.
eBay prohibited and restricted items
Adult items policy
Alcohol policy
Animals and wildlife products policy
Selling art policy
Artifacts, cultural heritage, and grave-related items policy
Autographed items policy
Catalytic converter and test pipes policy
Used clothing policy
Credit and debit cards policy
Digitally delivered goods policy
Drugs and drug paraphernalia policy
Electrical and electronic equipment policy
Embargoed goods and prohibited countries policy
Encouraging illegal activity policy
Firearms and accessories policy
Food policy
Gift cards policy
Government, transit, and shipping-related items policy
Government documents, IDs and licences policy
Hazardous, restricted, or regulated materials policy
Lock picking devices policy
Chance listings policy
Mailing lists and personal information policy
Coupons policy
Medical devices policy
Personal relationships and services policy
Police-related items policy
Real estate policy
Product safety policy
Event ticket policy
Slot machines policy
Stamps, currency and coins policy
Stocks and other securities policy
Stolen property policy
Travel policy
Read our full policy
Prohibited and restricted items policy overview
Before listing your item, make sure we allow it on eBay, and find out if we have specific rules and conditions on how you should list it. Check the list of prohibited and restricted items below. You also need to make sure that the sale of your item complies with all laws and any additional restrictions applicable to payment services offered on eBay such as credit card association or network rules.
Make sure your listings and products follow these guidelines. If they don’t, they may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including restrictions of your buying and selling privileges and suspension of your account.
Understanding the rules
Our policies are often based on country and state laws, although in some cases, we may also base our policies on input from our members and our own discretion, especially for dangerous or sensitive items.
Read and understand our policies before listing items. Follow our guidelines and review our examples so you know beforehand what you can and can’t sell on eBay.
When selling internationally, read our international trading policy. Although certain items may be legal to sell in your country, they might be illegal elsewhere.
The list of prohibited and restricted items below covers items you can list under certain conditions, and items that we don’t allow at all. In our medical devices policy, for example, while we don’t allow many items (such as contact lenses), we do allow other items under certain conditions (including certain types of medical instruments).
To find out if we have other guidelines that might affect your listing or product, read our rules for listings and our rules about intellectual property.
Prohibited and restricted items
Artifacts, grave-related items, and Native American arts and crafts
Catalytic converters and test pipes
Cell phone (wireless) service contracts
Charity and fundraising
Clothing, used
Counterfeit currency and stamps
Credit cards
Currency, selling
Drugs and drug paraphernalia
Electronics equipment – examples include cable TV de-scramblers, radar scanners, and traffic signal control devices
Embargoed goods and prohibited countries – examples include items from Cuba
Firearms and accessories – examples include pepper spray, replicas, and stun guns(see also military items)
Gift cards
Government documents, IDs and licenses
Government, transit, and shipping-related items – examples include airplane operations manuals, subway employee uniforms, and U. S. Postal Service (USPS) mailbags
Hazardous, restricted or regulated materials – examples include batteries, fireworks and refrigerants
Human remains and body parts
Importation of goods into the US – examples include CDs intended only for distribution in a certain country
International trading
Items encouraging illegal activity – examples include an eBook describing how to create methamphetamine
Lock picking devices
Lottery tickets
Mailing lists and personal information
Medical devices – examples include contact lenses, pacemakers, and surgical instruments
Military items (see also firearms, weapons, and knives)
Multi-level marketing, pyramid and matrix programs
Offensive material – examples include ethnically or racially offensive material and Nazi memorabilia
Plants and seeds
Police-related items
Political memorabilia (reproduction)
Postage meters
Prescription drugs
Real estate
Recalled items
Slot machines
Stocks and other securities
Stolen property
Surveillance equipment – examples include wiretapping devices and telephone bugging devices
Weeds (see plants and seeds)
Visit Seller Help to find details of any policy issues with your account or listings, and get the information you need to quickly resolve them.
Reporting policy violations
If we determine that a listing or product has violated a policy, we email the seller and the bidders or the buyer to let them know that we’ve removed the listing or product from eBay.
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eBay Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Sale of Certain Categories of ItemsBefore listing your item, make sure it’s allowed on eBay and find out if there are specific rules and conditions on how it should be listed. See the list of prohibited and restricted items below and click the product category for information about the policies. You also need to make sure that the sale of your item complies with regional addition to items that are prohibited or restricted by law, eBay does not permit listing certain other types of sure your listing follows these guidelines. If it doesn’t, it may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including administratively ending or canceling listings, hiding or demoting all listings from search results, lowering seller rating, buying or selling restrictions, or account tegories of products that are restricted or prohibited on eBayIf you sell items on mProhibited and restricted itemsAdult itemsAlcoholArtArtifacts and cave formationsCatalytic converters and test pipesCell phone (wireless) service contractsCharity and fundraisingClothing, usedItems coming with contractsCosmeticsCollectible currencyCouponsCredit cardsIllegal drugs and drug paraphernaliaElectronic equipmentEmbargoed goodsFirearms and accessoriesFoodGift cardsGovernment itemsGovernment, transit, and shipping-related itemsHazardous materialsHuman body partsItems encouraging illegal activityLive animalsLockpicking devicesChance listingsPersonal informationPrescription devicesPrescription and over-the-counter drugsMilitary itemsMulti-level marketing, pyramid, and matrix programsOffensive materialsPesticidesPlants and seedsPolice-related itemsReproduction political memorabiliaPostage metersReal estateProducts posing health or safety hazardsServicesSlot machinesStampsStocks and other securitiesStolen propertyTobacco and e-cigarettesTravel servicesInternational eBay sites also may have their own rules that maintain the safety of the eBay community of the country. Some categories of products are restricted, or completely banned from being listed. Make sure that your listings comply with local legal below the examples of rules from the most popular eBay international sites,,,,, and If you’re not sure if an item you’re intending to list is allowed or not, choose the relevant category from the provided lists to find you sell items on and restricted itemsAdults onlyIllegal drugs and drug paraphernaliaEmbargoed goodsFirearms and accessoriesGovernment itemsHazardous materialsItems encouraging illegal activityLockpicking devicesPersonal informationPrescription devicesOffensive materialsPolice-related itemsPrescription drugsServicesStolen propertyAlcoholLive animalsArtefacts and cave formationsBritish titlesCataloguesCharity and fundraisingClothing, usedItems coming with contractsCosmeticsCollectable currencyCredit cardsElectronically delivered itemsElectronic equipmentEvent ticketsFoodSlot machinesHuman body partsPlants and seedsReal estateProducts posing health or safety hazardsStocks and other securitiesTobacco and e-cigarettesTravel servicesVouchersPotentially infringingThese items may infringe certain copyrights or trademarks:Amongst the items that may fall under these restrictions are all devices and software enabling duplication of copy protected materials; mod chips, game enhancers and boot disks; recordable media and bootleg recordings; perfume and cosmetics, etc. Please carefully check the list of restrictions on risky categories of items at * In the language of the international siteIf you sell items on and restricted itemsAdult only category (Solo per adulti)Drugs and drug paraphernalia (Droghe e accessori correlati)Embargoed goods (Oggetti sottoposti ad embargo e Paesi verso i quali non è consentita l’esportazione)Firearms and accessories (Armi da fuoco e da taglio)Government items (Documenti d’identità, licenze e uniformi governative)Hazardous, restricted or regulated materials (Materiali pericolosi, soggetti a restrizioni o a regolamentazioni) — examples include materials such as poisons, explosive precursors, ozone depleting substances, radioactive materials, encouraging illegal activity (Oggetti che incoraggiano attività illegali)Lock picking devices (Dispositivi per scassinare serrature)Mailing lists and personal information (Mailing list e informazioni personali)Prescription devices (Dispositivi medici soggetti a prescrizione)Offensive material (Materiale offensivo)Police-related items (Oggetti correlati alle forze dell’ordine)Prohibited services (Servizi proibiti)Stolen property (Oggetti rubati)Alcohol (Alcolici)Animals (Animali)Cultural items and state archives (Manufatti, oggetti di antiquariato, oggetti tombali e caratteristici della cultura del paese)Used clothing (Abiti usati)Contracts (Contratti)Used cosmetics (Cosmetici usati)Collectible currencies (Valute da collezione)Credit cards (Carte di credito)Electrical and electronics equipment (Apparecchi elettrici ed elettronici)Event ticket resale (Biglietti per spettacoli)Food (Cibo)Slot machines (Slot machine)Human remains and body parts (Organi, spoglie e materiale organico umano)Plants and seeds (Piante e semi)Products posing health or safety hazards (I prodotti che rappresentano un pericolo per la salute o la sicurezza)Stocks and other securities (Titoli azionari e altri valori mobiliari)Tobacco (Tabacchi)Travel services (Viaggi e Vacanze)Potentially infringing itemsThese items may infringe certain copyrights or trademarks:Amongst the items that may fall under these restrictions are all devices and software enabling duplication of copy protected materials; mod chips, game enhancers and boot disks; recordable media and bootleg recordings; academic, beta, and OEM software; perfume and cosmetics, etc. Please carefully check the list of restrictions on risky categories of items at * In the language of the international siteIf you sell items on and restricted itemsAdult only category (Sólo para adultos)Embargoed goods (Bienes objeto de embargo)Firearms and accessories (Armas de fuego y accesorios)Government documents, IDs and licenses (Documentos de identidad y carnet de conducir)Hazardous, restricted or regulated materials (Materiales peligrosos, restringidos y regulados)Items encouraging illegal activity (Artículos que fomentan actividades ilegales)Lock picking devices (Artilugios para abrir cerraduras)Mailing lists and personal information (Listas de correo e información personal)Prescription devices (Dispositivos recetados)Offensive materials (Material ofensivo)Police-related items (Artículos relacionados con la policía)Personal relationships and services (Servicios prohibidos)Stolen property (Propiedad robada)Alcohol (Bebidas alcohólicas)Animals and wildlife products (Animales y fauna salvaje)Artefacts, archives, antiques, cultural items and grave-related items (Artefactos, antigüedades, artículos de valor cultural y artículos funerarios)Catalogues of items for sale (Venta de catálogos)Used clothing (Ropa usada)Contracts (Contratos)Used cosmetics (Cosméticos usados)Collectable currency (Moneda coleccionable)Credit cards (Tarjetas de crédito)Digitally delivered goods (Artículos entregados digitalmente)Electrical and electronics equipment (Equipos electrónicos)Event ticket resale (Entradas para espectáculos)Food (Comida)Human remains and body parts (Órganos y miembros del cuerpo humano)Plants and seeds (Plantas y semillas)Items that infringe on other people’s intellectual property (Artículos que infringen los derechos de propiedad intelectual de otras personas)Property (Bienes inmuebles)Products posing health or safety hazards (Artículos que presentan riesgos para la salud o la seguridad)Stocks, bonds, certificates and other securities (Acciones, bonos, valores y certificados relacionados)Tobacco (Tabaco)Software to unlock electronic devices (Software para desbloquear aparatos electrónicos)* In the language of the international siteIf you sell items on and restricted itemsRecordable media and photocopies (Beschreibbare Datenträger und Fotokopien)Unlocking tools (Aufsperrwerkzeugen)Digital media and downloads (Herunterladbare Medien)Music, movies and photos (Musik, Filme und Fotos)Perfume and cosmetics (Parfums und Kosmetikartikel)Replicas and counterfeit items (Repliken und Fälschungen)Software (Software)Enabling duplication of copy protected material (Umgang mit Artikeln, die ermöglichen, den Kopierschutz zu umgehen)Offers with sexual content (Angebote mit sexuellem Inhalt)Legal tender (Zahlungsmittel), bullion coins and bars (Anlagemünzen und Barren)Offensive press materials (Anstößige und beleidigende Artikel)Archeological finds (Archäologische Funde)Government IDs and licenses (Behördliche Ausweispapiere und Lizenzen)Drugs and drug paraphernalia (Drogen, Betäubungsmittel und bewusstseinsverändernde Stoffe)Electronic equipment (Elektronische Geräte)Tickets (Fahrscheine, Flugtickets, Eintrittskarten)Used clothing (Gebrauchte Kleidung)Hazardous, restricted or regulated materials (Gefahrnstoffe und andere regulierte Materialien)Objects, clothing and IDs from security-relevant areas (Gegenstände, Kleidungsstücke und Ausweise aus sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen)Land and land rights (Grundstücke und grundstücksgleiche Rechte)Embargoed goods (Güter, die einem Handelsembargo unterliegen)Offensive media to minors (Jugendgefährdende Medien)Catalogues, purchase information, sources of supply and distribution partner search (Kataloge, Kaufinformationen, Bezugsquellen und Vertriebspartnersuche)Human remains and body parts (Körperteile und sterbliche Überreste von Menschen)Mailing lists and personal information (Mailing- und Adresslisten und persönliche Informationen)Multi-level marketing, pyramid and matrix programs (Multi-Level-Marketing, Pyramiden- und Matrixprogramme)Medical devices and healthcare products (Medizinische Geräte und Medizinprodukte)National Socialist materials (Nationalsozialistische Artikel)Recalled products (Zurückgerufene Produkte)Tobacco (Tabakwaren)Live animals (Lebende Tiere)Personal relationships and prohibited services (Unzulässige Leistungen)Weapons and military items (Waffen, Waffenzubehör und rüstungsrelevanten Gütern)Stocks and other securities (Aktien und andere Wertpapiere)* In the language of the international siteVisit Seller Help to find details of any policy issues with your account or listings, and get the information you need to quickly resolve also may find useful information on Active and Passive International Selling on eBay and our free tool eBaymag — a single platform to list items on eBay international sites, manage orders and optimize this information helpful?
How to Easily Get Back Your Suspended eBay Account - PureVPN

How to Easily Get Back Your Suspended eBay Account – PureVPN

PureVPN UpdatesHow to Easily Get Back Your Suspended eBay Account | 2021
Whether you sell items on eBay as a side hustle or running an entire business, getting your account suspended can be shocking. Don’t lose hope because we are going to help you with this problem. Why throw away a good income stream when you can easily get your account back?
Are you an eBay seller? You must know the terms and policies as well as learn how to sell without getting a suspension email. Here are the basic steps that may help you get your eBay account back so you can start making money again.
Looking for a way to get your suspended eBay account back? You are not alone. In this article, you will learn:
How to Sell Items on eBay the Right Way Step-by-Step Guide on Getting Your Suspended eBay Account Back Why Did eBay Suspend My Account for No Reason? Bonus Tips to Avoid Getting Suspended Again
How to Sell Items on eBay the Right Way
To avoid getting a suspension on eBay, you must know the terms and policies as well as the ground rules for new sellers. Take things slowly at the start when you are selling items for the first time and then try to sell more expensive items. The following are some proven tips that you can follow on your own to become a seasoned eBay seller.
1. Find Easy Products to Sell
Let’s brainstorm the best-selling eBay items here! How many items do you regularly use in your home? The answer is a lot! This means you have plenty of items to sell on eBay to millions of people in the United States. From jewelry, batteries, pots, to printer cartridges, there are many items to sell. If you are a new seller on eBay, list items that are less than $50 and gain trust with your customers over time.
2. Learn Seller Rules
This may sound a bit harsh and discouraging, but eBay’s policies are strict for every new seller. This is why we suggest building trust because eBay moderators want you to create a good selling history. If you are new on eBay then you may encounter strict limitations on choosing a category, selling expensive items, and maintaining accounts. Once you have sold a good number of items on eBay, request to list different items and categories.
3. Buy Some Supplies
To become a reliable seller on eBay, you have to compete with others who are selling for years. This means you need high-quality pictures, clear product descriptions, and authenticity. You can buy a good camera and use free editing apps to make your item appear of higher quality. Plus, you need shipping supplies such as packing tape, mailing envelopes, and cardboard boxes.
4. Learn How to Pack Items
New sellers might be sloppy when it comes to packing items. But you can easily learn this skill by watching a few YouTube videos. There are a bunch of tutorials online on how to pack items before shipping them in the correct way. Also, here are a few guidelines from eBay on the materials to use for packaging items.
5. Set a Profitable Price
Don’t list your item for a higher than usual price. First, you must survey on eBay and check the price of certain items. You are making a mistake by selling items for their retail prices. You can sell items on eBay and earn profits as well if you are setting the right price. The best way to do it is to check the sales data by looking at active or completed eBay listings and then list your product.
6. Enhance Your Review Score
The better your review or feedback score on eBay, the more customers will trust you. Getting positive feedback will help you build trust with regular buyers on eBay. You might find it hard to frequently sell items if your feedback score is low. The best trick is to actually buy eBay items so sellers can rate you. In this way, you can ask the seller for feedback and increase your score.
7. Sell Low-Risk Items
With an online selling website like eBay, you can expect many people who will try to scam sellers. That’s why you must be wary of selling high-risk items which include iPhones, tablets, Android phones, concert tickets, or designer outfits. You have to build trust with your customers first. Then you can jump on selling these items for a higher profit.
8. Use the Correct Product Listing
You can either set a fixed price or sell the item in an auction on eBay. Both types of listing may help you earn a profit if you are accurately managing things. We suggest setting the price as fixed because auctioning products is an ongoing process and takes time. The downside of setting a fixed price is the items may take weeks to sell but can give you a good return.
9. Have a Suitable Policy for Refunds
Whether you like it or not, you have to offer customers a return policy. Why do you ask? If a customer finds the product is not accurate as per the description then he or she can get a quick refund. And, you must not ignore this because a reliable return policy can help you become a top eBay seller and beat your competitors.
Even if you say you do not accept returns, buyers can submit an “item not as described” (INAD) complaint and force you to take back the product. So it is best to come up with a suitable policy for everyone.
10. Use a Dedicated IP Address
Running a legitimate business and realizing that you have received a suspension on eBay can be heartbreaking. You might be working for months to receive good feedback from customers or selling expensive items, and a suspension can really mess things up. Some sellers who are smart enough to dodge suspensions are now using eBay stealth accounts.
After receiving an account suspension, eBay stores your information, name, address, account number, and IP address. By getting a new and unique IP address, you can create a stealth account where you have to use a new username, eBay account number, and account.
An IP address is your Internet address. Just like your house has a permanent address, your device has a unique Internet address that identifies you to websites and services, providing details like your ISP and the country you are located in. You can check your IP address by typing “IP Address” on Google search.
You should know: some items are priced differently on eBay because of different geographical locations. So on top of recognizing your unique IP address, you should look into using a VPN. By using a VPN connection, you can access the right version of eBay and check exact product prices. Using a VPN solely for a dedicated IP address can be great for new and experienced sellers on eBay.
The Easiest Way to Use a Dedicated IP Address for eBay
If your eBay account is suspended, then you can’t create a new account with the same IP address. But when you connect your device to a VPN with a different IP address, you can hide your previously suspended IP address on eBay. Also, you must be careful when using a stealth account because if you are caught using it then eBay will suspend you. This is the reason why using a reliable VPN for eBay matters a lot.
Here’s how to use a dedicated IP address on eBay:
Click PureVPN’s website and click the trial button.
Enter your email address and credit card details.
Create an account log in with your new credentials.
Search for “United States” in the location bar and press connect.
Now your device is connected to a dedicated IP address that belongs to the United States.
What to Do When Your eBay Account Is Suspended
First things first, stop panicking. We know the account suspension news can be hard for you to digest, but it happens to sellers all the time. There is no need to call your friends and request them for a job because you may think your business is down the drain. Relax and find out the reason why eBay has suspended your account.
If you are selling on eBay for the first time, chances are you might have violated eBay’s rules and policies, which happens a lot. You might be using irrelevant pictures or descriptions for your product that may be the cause of your suspension. As soon as you receive an email notifying that your eBay account is suspended, read the entire message and the reasons behind it.
Once you are done reading the email, follow all the steps mentioned in the guide below.
Step-by-Step Guide on Getting Your Suspended eBay Account Back
Summary: Sometimes eBay sends the instructions to your email as well to help you get your account back. You might be asked to remove the product listing as it does not follow the policies or asked to use real product pictures. In case you don’t find the instructions on your email, you have to call the support representatives and ask them the status of your seller’s account.
Before calling, the best thing to do is to open the email on your laptop, write your eBay user ID somewhere on a piece of paper, and remember the date of the email. If there are no steps mentioned in your account suspension email, do this:
Step 1: Open your eBay account suspension email.
Step 2: Call the support representatives at 1-866-540-3229.
Step 3: Discuss the reason why they have suspended your eBay account.
Step 4: Request to talk to their supervisor about the issue if the support representatives can’t solve it.
Step 5: Follow the instructions and you are done.
Why Did eBay Suspend My Account for No Reason?
eBay has the right to hold or suspend your account anytime no matter how authentic you are. Please note that eBay moderators are tracking the activities round-the-clock and they can suspend the account if you are caught doing anything illegal or against their policies. Here are four major reasons why your eBay account has been suspended.
1. Late Shipping
This is a major problem because if you are late to deliver an order then you can lose customers. This means eBay buyers will start providing negative seller feedback about you and you will eventually lose market share. Or worse, customers can complain to eBay about a delay in delivery, and sadly you will receive a suspension.
Best Tip
When a customer orders a product, he or she will check the estimated delivery time and set the arrival time. That’s why you must make sure to deliver all products at the right time or face a backlash from customers. In short, that means you’ll get a suspension.
2. Fake Product Images
This is a rule of thumb for online sellers: High-quality product images can positively influence customers and they are more likely to buy your products. When you are selling online, all you can see is the product image. But if you are using fake, stolen, or blurry pictures of your product, your eBay account can be suspended by the moderators. Sadly, this is way too common on eBay.
It is your responsibility to share high-quality and visible product images so buyers can decide whether to make a purchase or not. Use your phone to take a product image if you don’t have a camera at your disposal.
3. Listing Restricted Products
This is self-explanatory to everyone that if you are selling counterfeit or restricted products on eBay then your account will be permanently suspended. Most people don’t realize this but eBay moderators will quickly suspend your account if you are selling restricted items such as steroids, vaporizers, model rockets, weapons, ivory, or any type of knockoffs.
Whether or not you know the product is real or a knockoff, a buyer can tag you and the eBay account will be suspended. The reason why you must always check the seller’s policy and include only those items on sale that are allowed on eBay.
4. Similar Product Description
Your eBay account can also be suspended if you are using the same content as other sellers on the website. For instance, if you are selling a rubber swimming pool then avoid sharing a product description that is similar to the top sellers. In this way, eBay moderators might think that you are trying to fool customers and selling products at the wrong price.
Create new and unique product descriptions for your items before listing them on eBay. Plus, you can hire an expert who can provide product descriptions if you don’t know how to write them on your own.
eBay’s Terms and Policies You Must Know About
No matter if you are new to buying and flipping items on eBay as a hobby or already a seasoned seller, you must follow the basic terms and policies. The seller rules might change over time on eBay and that’s why you must be wary of the dos and don’ts. The easiest way to do this is to read regular email updates or announcements from eBay.
Your Account Is on Hold
This happens when you have forgotten to make your payment on eBay and the expiry date has passed. The eBay system will put your account on hold until you make the payment. After that, your eBay account will be quickly reinstated after you have made the payment.
Your Account Is Restricted
This can be annoying for many new sellers. The eBay moderators will put some strict restrictions on your account if you fail to keep up with the terms and policies. This does not mean your account is suspended or you are no longer able to sell, there are some restrictions that can keep you from becoming a top seller. eBay might push your product ranking down as a way to put heavy restrictions.
Your Account Is Suspended
When you are caught violating the terms and policies on eBay then chances are you will receive a temporary or permanent ban. As soon as your eBay account is suspended, you can’t make a bid, sell items, or buy items anymore. The good news is your account suspension can be reinstated after you call the support representatives.
Bonus Tips to Avoid Getting Suspended Again:
We hope now you can get your eBay account back without any trouble. However, there are a few tips that you can follow to dodge the suspension on eBay.
Tip #1
Always read the email updates and announcements from eBay. If you are selling items on eBay for a while now then you will regularly receive emails as a notification about the new terms and policies. Most eBay sellers miss out on these email updates and end up getting a suspension or account restriction.
Tip #2
Find other marketplaces to sell your items for the time being. In this way, you can keep the cash flow coming until your eBay account is back. Check for a suitable online marketplace according to your unique needs. You can easily sell items on Walmart, OfferUp, Letgo, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or Amazon.
Tip #3
Don’t create a new account right after eBay has suspended you. eBay is a website but consider it as a real human being. You have to develop trust to grow a good business partnership. That’s why you must find the root of the problem and make amends to start selling on eBay again.
Key Takeaway
Relax! eBay will always send you an email after suspending, restricting, or holding your seller’s account. All you have to do is follow the steps mentioned in the email and get your account back. We hope this detailed guide can help you become a better seller on eBay and avoid getting a suspension in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions about banned ebay items

What things are illegal to sell on eBay?

Prohibited and restricted itemsAdults only.Illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia.Embargoed goods.Firearms and accessories.Government items.Hazardous materials.Items encouraging illegal activity.Lockpicking devices.More items…

Does eBay sell illegal stuff?

The majority of items sold on eBay are aboveboard. But sometimes eBay finds out about listings that are either illegal (in the eyes of the state or federal government) or prohibited by eBay’s rules and regulations. … Prohibited lists the items that may not be sold on eBay under any circumstances.

How do I get around eBay ban?

Step 1: Open your eBay account suspension email. Step 2: Call the support representatives at 1-866-540-3229. Step 3: Discuss the reason why they have suspended your eBay account. Step 4: Request to talk to their supervisor about the issue if the support representatives can’t solve it.Feb 8, 2021

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