Beautifulsoup Get Value Of Tag

beautiful soup just get the value inside the tag – Stack Overflow

The following command:
volume = ndAll(“span”, {“id”: “volume”})[0]
16, 103. 3
when I issue a print(volume).
How do I get just the number?
asked Feb 25 ’14 at 2:15
user1357015user13570159, 59616 gold badges58 silver badges101 bronze badges
Extract the string from the element:
answered Feb 25 ’14 at 2:22
Using css selector:
>>> (‘span#volume’)[0]
u’16, 103. 3′
answered Feb 25 ’14 at 2:23
falsetrufalsetru324k51 gold badges635 silver badges570 bronze badges
answered Mar 28 ’18 at 10:19
cinv3cinv3914 bronze badges
Just to add, I also found the dosn’t do well when there is
in the text.

First Line
Second Line
Third Line

If we do a (“div”, attrs={“class”:”Lines}) we get a None
But a (“div”, attrs={“class”:”Lines}) we get
First Line
Second Line
Third Line
I think the gives a NavigatableString object and gives a unicode object.
answered Mar 31 ’20 at 7:41
There is a function for getting the value of the tag: ntents[0]
Try this:
volumes = soup(‘span’)
for volume in volumes:
answered Sep 7 ’20 at 17:19
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Extracting an attribute value with beautifulsoup in Python

Extracting an attribute value with beautifulsoup in Python

Prerequisite: Beautifulsoup InstallationAttributes are provided by Beautiful Soup which is a web scraping framework for Python. Web scraping is the process of extracting data from the website using automated tools to make the process faster. A tag may have any number of attributes. For example, the tag has an attribute “class” whose value is “active”. We can access a tag’s attributes by treating it like a
Implementation:Example 1: Program to extract the attributes using attrs approach. Python3from bs4 import BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(, “lxml”)tag = soup. h2attribute = trsprint(attribute)Output: {‘class’: [‘hello’]}
Example 2: Program to extract the attributes using dictionary approach. Python3from bs4 import BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(, “lxml”)tag = soup. h2attribute = tag[‘class’]print(attribute)Output: [‘hello’]
Example 3: Program to extract the multiple attribute values using dictionary thon3from bs4 import BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(, “lxml”)tag = soup. h2attribute = tag[‘class’]print(attribute)Output: [‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’]
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Extracting an attribute value with beautifulsoup - Stack Overflow

Extracting an attribute value with beautifulsoup – Stack Overflow

I am trying to extract the content of a single “value” attribute in a specific “input” tag on a webpage. I use the following code:
import urllib
f = urllib. urlopen(“)
s = ()
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(s)
inputTag = ndAll(attrs={“name”: “stainfo”})
output = inputTag[‘value’]
print str(output)
I get a TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
even though from the Beautifulsoup documentation i understand that strings should not be a problem here… but i a no specialist and i may have misunderstood.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!
asked Apr 10 ’10 at 6:53. find_all() returns list of all found elements, so:
input_tag = nd_all(attrs={“name”: “stainfo”})
input_tag is a list (probably containing only one element). Depending on what you want exactly you either should do:
output = input_tag[0][‘value’]
or use () method which returns only one (first) found element:
input_tag = (attrs={“name”: “stainfo”})
output = input_tag[‘value’]
answered Apr 10 ’10 at 7:06
ŁukaszŁukasz31. 2k4 gold badges31 silver badges32 bronze badges
In Python 3. x, simply use get(attr_name) on your tag object that you get using find_all:
xmlData = None
with open(‘conf//’, ‘r’) as xmlFile:
xmlData = ()
xmlDecoded = xmlData
xmlSoup = BeautifulSoup(xmlData, ”)
repElemList = nd_all(‘repeatingelement’)
for repElem in repElemList:
print(“Processing repElem… “)
repElemID = (‘id’)
repElemName = (‘name’)
print(“Attribute id =%s”% repElemID)
print(“Attribute name =%s”% repElemName)
against XML file conf// that looks like:


Processing repElem…
Attribute id = 11
Attribute name = Joe
Attribute id = 12
Attribute name = Mary
answered Nov 16 ’16 at 19:36
amphibientamphibient26k47 gold badges132 silver badges222 bronze badges
If you want to retrieve multiple values of attributes from the source above, you can use findAll and a list comprehension to get everything you need:
inputTags = ndAll(attrs={“name”: “stainfo”})
### You may be able to do findAll(“input”, attrs={“name”: “stainfo”})
output = [x[“stainfo”] for x in inputTags]
print output
### This will print a list of the values.
glglgl83k11 gold badges132 silver badges205 bronze badges
answered Aug 28 ’12 at 15:35
MargathMargath611 silver badge5 bronze badges
I would actually suggest you a time saving way to go with this assuming that you know what kind of tags have those attributes.
suppose say a tag xyz has that attritube named “staininfo”..
full_tag = ndAll(“xyz”)
And i wan’t you to understand that full_tag is a list
for each_tag in full_tag:
staininfo_attrb_value = each_tag[“staininfo”]
print staininfo_attrb_value
Thus you can get all the attrb values of staininfo for all the tags xyz
Avijit2812 silver badges20 bronze badges
answered Jul 8 ’12 at 12:20
b1tchackedb1tchacked4204 silver badges12 bronze badges
you can also use this:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
url = ”
r = (url)
data =
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, “”)
get_details = nd_all(“input”, attrs={“name”:”stainfo”})
for val in get_details:
get_val = val[“value”]
answered Oct 18 ’17 at 18:40
For me:

This can be fetched by below snippet.
page = (“)
soup = BeautifulSoup(ntent, ”)
colorName = (id=’color’)
zcoop982, 1681 gold badge12 silver badges25 bronze badges
answered Aug 24 ’20 at 14:37
vijayraj34vijayraj341, 05115 silver badges20 bronze badges
You could try to use the new powerful package called requests_html:
from requests_html import HTMLSession
session = HTMLSession()
r = (“)
date = (‘time’, first = True) # finding a “tag” called “time”
print(date) # you will have:
# To get the text inside the “datetime” attribute use:
print([‘datetime’]) # you will get ‘2020-10-07T11:41:22. 000Z’
answered Oct 7 ’20 at 18:14
Yasser MYasser M1711 silver badge6 bronze badges
I am using this with Beautifulsoup 4. 8. 1 to get the value of all class attributes of certain elements:
html = “

bsoup = BeautifulSoup(html, ”)
for td in nd_all(‘td’):
if td. has_attr(‘class’):
Its important to note that the attribute key retrieves a list even when the attribute has only a single value.
answered Nov 17 ’19 at 21:30
PeterXXPeterXX4484 silver badges13 bronze badges
Here is an example for how to extract the href attrbiutes of all a tags:
import requests as rq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
page = (url)
html = bs(, ‘lxml’)
hrefs = nd_all(“a”)
all_hrefs = []
for href in hrefs:
# print((“href”))
links = (“href”)
omajid10. 7k4 gold badges39 silver badges55 bronze badges
answered Dec 18 ’20 at 13:46
You can try gazpacho:
Install it using pip install gazpacho
Get the HTML and make the Soup using:
from gazpacho import get, Soup
soup = Soup(get(“)) # get directly returns the html
inputs = (‘input’, attrs={‘name’: ‘stainfo’}) # Find all the input tags
if inputs:
if type(inputs) is list:
for input in inputs:
print(‘No tag found with the attribute name=”stainfo”)
answered Oct 28 ’20 at 5:10
VthechampVthechamp5255 silver badges16 bronze badges
Not the answer you’re looking for? Browse other questions tagged python parsing attributes beautifulsoup or ask your own question.

Frequently Asked Questions about beautifulsoup get value of tag

How do you get a tag attribute value in Beautiful Soup?

close() from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(s) inputTags = soup. findAll(attrs={“name” : “stainfo”}) ### You may be able to do findAll(“input”, attrs={“name” : “stainfo”}) output = [x[“stainfo”] for x in inputTags] print output ### This will print a list of the values.Nov 17, 2016

How do you get a class value in Beautiful Soup?

Create an HTML doc. Import module. Parse the content into BeautifulSoup. Iterate the data by class name….Approach:Import module.Make requests instance and pass into URL.Pass the requests into a Beautifulsoup() function.Then we will iterate all tags and fetch class name.Nov 26, 2020

How do you get a href value in Beautiful Soup?

Use Beautiful Soup to extract href linkshtml = urlopen(“”)soup = BeautifulSoup(html. read(), ‘lxml’)links = []for link in soup. find_all(‘a’):links. append(link. get(‘href’))print(links[:5]) print start of list.

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