Definition Proxies

Proxy Definition – Investopedia

What Is a Proxy?
A proxy is an agent legally authorized to act on behalf of another party or a format that allows an investor to vote without being physically present at the meeting. Shareholders not attending a company’s annual general meeting (AGM) may vote their shares by proxy by allowing someone else to cast votes on their behalf, or they may vote by mail.
Key Takeaways
A proxy is an agent legally authorized to act on behalf of another proxy may also allow an investor to vote without being physically present at the annual shareholder’s nagement ensures ownership interests are fully represented by encouraging shareholders who are unable to attend annual meetings to vote by proxy. A Proxy Statement is a packet of documents containing information necessary to make informed votes on issues facing the company.
How Does a Proxy Work?
While proxy voting is often an option, management encourages shareholders to vote in person. If the shareholder cannot attend, voting by proxy is another option. For a person to act as a proxy for an individual, formal documentation may be required that outlines the extent to which the proxy can speak on the individual’s behalf. A formal power of attorney document may be required to provide the permissions to complete certain actions. The shareholder signs a power of attorney and extends official authorization to the designated individual to vote on behalf of the stated shareholder at the annual meeting.
A proxy cannot vote if the shareholder arrives late and decides to vote for their own self.
Proxy Statements
Before the annual shareholder meeting, all shareholders receive a packet of information containing the Proxy Statement. The proxy documents provide shareholders with the information necessary to make informed votes on issues important to the company’s performance. A Proxy statement offers shareholders and prospective investors insight into a company’s governance and management operations. The proxy discloses important information on agenda items for the annual meeting, lists the qualifications of management and board members, serves as a ballot for elections to the board of directors, lists the largest shareholders of a company’s stock, and provides detailed information about executive compensation. There are also proposals from management and shareholders.
Proxy statements must be filed with regulatory authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, on an annual basis before the company’s annual meeting.
When voting by proxy remotely, shareholders may be eligible to vote by mail, phone, or internet. Shareholders use the information in the proxy statements to aid in the decision-making process.
Anyone can look up a public company’s proxy statement via the SEC website under the name “DEF 14A. ”
Benefits of Proxy
Management ensures that ownership interests are fully represented by often encouraging shareholders that are unable to attend annual meetings to vote by proxy. Information presented during annual meetings often affects the future direction of the company, which can directly impact the value of a shareholder’s stake in the company.
Real World Example of a Proxy
Below is a portion of the proxy materials for the annual shareholders’ meeting of Corning Inc. in 2016. 
The corporation’s assigned proxy is highlighted in blue showing that the shareholder’s vote can be cast by the noted in the bolded statement, if no choices are made, the nominated members of the board will be voted for by the proxy.
Example of Proxy for Corning Inc.
Proxy Card
Below is the Proxy Card showing the specific board members that were to be voted on as well as some of the proposals by management. If the shareholder wanted to vote, the proxy card could be mailed to the corporation.
Example of Proxy Card from Corning Inc. 2016 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
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Corning Inc. “Annual Meeting Proxy Card, ” Page 1&2. Accessed Aug. 26, 2020.
Proxies definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Proxies definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

proxies in British English
Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
nounWord forms: plural proxies
2. the authority, esp in the form of a document, given to a person to act on behalf of
someone else
Word originC15: prokesye, contraction of procuracy, from Latin prōcūrātiō procuration; see procure
Examples of ‘proxies’ in a sentence
These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Read more…
`What if Coulters manages to buy up the loose shares, as you call them, or their proxies, we’d have a stand-off, would we not? DOUBTFUL MOTIVESFor those who like emerging market proxies, buy on weakness. Times, Sunday Times (2012)She argued that this made them surprisingly good avian proxies for humans. Times, Sunday Times (2018)These arguments, in turn, are proxies for debates over the future. The Times Literary Supplement (2018)The postal votes – the proxies – are already in. Times, Sunday Times (2017)The question is so boundless that instead many of us reach for proxies. Times, Sunday Times (2017)They are our proxies in on-screen relationships and adventures. Times, Sunday Times (2013)They settled for rough proxies, like proportions in work or school. Times, Sunday Times (2016)Proxies for the metal tracked the price higher. Times, Sunday Times (2017)Archaeologists treated them as proxies for the movement of ancient peoples. The Times Literary Supplement (2013)
Show more… Generally we use mice or other animals as proxies for humans. Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
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A question about proxies.... — MTG Q&A - TappedOut

A question about proxies…. — MTG Q&A – TappedOut

I think the given answer could use some, let’s establish that proxies and altered art cards (not alternate art, which implies that the cards haven’t been altered) are not the same thing. A proxy is a non-card placeholder for an actual Magic card. An altered card is a real Magic card that has had its appearance changed, generally through the use of acrylic paint, although other kinds of alters exist. The primary difference is that a true alter is a modification to an existing card that doesn’t represent another card. A proxy is just a non-card object being used to represent a oxies are only legal if they have been issued by a judge to replace a card damaged over the course of play. Player-made proxies and proxies issued for any other reason are tered cards are legal at the approval of the head judge of the event. There is no official policy regarding alters; the decision is instead left to the discretion of the head though the guidelines given by lordoftheshadows are indeed decent guidelines, there are some notable differences between the proposed guidelines and the things most judges actually nerally speaking, alters are permissible even if they obscure or change the original image. Many popular alters feature superheroes or other characters painted over planeswalkers. For example, Doctor Who instead of Venser, the Sojourner. What alters cannot do is falsify the art of one card such that it appears to be the art of another card. For example, you could not paint a likeness of Mana Drain
onto Counterspell. GENERAL RULE: An alter must not misrepresent one card as another at a glance. Further, judges are less inclined to favor alters that obscure too much of the important information on a card. Such information includes the name, mana cost, P/T, and loyalty costs. This factor arguably receives the most varied responses from judges. Some will allow a “full art” alter that covers everything except the name, and in some cases the mana cost and P/T, while others will only allow alters that preserve the name, mana cost, P/T (if any), and loyalty costs (if any). Some judges disallow any alters that cover any of the printed information. GENERAL RULE: The less information the alteration covers, the more likely it is to be is no rule stating that borders are not allowed to be covered. In fact, one of the most popular forms of alteration is the “borderless” style, where an artist extends the art of the card into the borders. GENERAL RULE: Borders don’t is indeed a standard of decency to be upheld in sanctioned play. Just as judges are free to prohibit the use of playmats featuring lewd or questionable content (there was an infamous example involving a playmat that depicted Chandra and Liliana making amends), judges are free to prohibit alters featuring lewd or questionable content. GENERAL RULE: Keep alters in good taste; nothing too should, as lordoftheshadows mentioned, always have enough unaltered copies of a card to make the necessary substitutions in the event an altered card is prohibited for any reason.

Frequently Asked Questions about definition proxies

What is meant by a proxy?

A proxy is an agent legally authorized to act on behalf of another party or a format that allows an investor to vote without being physically present at the meeting.

What does proxy mean in literature?

1. a person authorized to act on behalf of someone else; agent. to vote by proxy. 2. the authority, esp in the form of a document, given to a person to act on behalf of someone else.

What does proxy mean in art?

Proxies in magic are representations of real magic cards using anything else, including other magic cards. Tokens are not considered “real” magic cards so as long as the image is appropriate then you may use any art on tokens that you want.

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