Google Site Proxy

Proxy – Google Sites

to Bypass a School Filter Do you ever desperately need to go on a website at school which has been blocked by the IT technicians? Here is how to get past the filter. Steps 1. Find a proxy site. Do a search for “free online proxies”. This will provide you with a list of proxies to bypass filters. 2. Find a proxy site that is obviously, not blocked by the filters. 3. Type the name of the site you want to access into the box. Most sites have a checkbox that says “block scripts”; it is better to uncheck this. 4. Some schools use proxy services (such as Bess) to do the filtering. It may be possible to disable it by going into Internet Explorer and choosing Tools>Internet Options>Conections Tab>Lan Settings and unchecking the “Use a proxy server for your LAN”. It can be reenabled prior to leaving. In the likely event that this ability is disabled, one can use a registry editor to change the value of “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Wi… Settings\ProxyEnable” to 0. 5. Hit the go button and you will get to your favourite site! 6. Pr0xy DragonProxy and that type of thing: if you can, locate a system is that the same location as you. If not, a proxy works very slowly! 7. If none of these work, download and install Firefox and manually change the proxy seetings by going to Tools > Options > Connection Settings > And change the Proxy Settings to a proxy. Go to and search proxy lists. 8. Some web filters only block the domain name for restricted websites. Therefore, if you you try to browse to the IP address of the website, it may work. 9. If the web filter blocked even the IP address of the site, you can take each number in the IP and convert it to a Hexadecimal format. Then in the browser enter 0x(hex1). 0x(hex2). 0x(hex3). 0x(hex4). There is a script at that will do this for you. 10. Another easy way is to download a program such as OperaTor. It automatically connects to servers and there is almost no setup. This can be slow though. 11. Yet another way is to have a computer always on at home (and connected to the internet). Turn on remote access and on the school computer go to Start -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection. Put in your IP address (or sign up your computer at home for to get a name for it if your address changes all the time). You can connect to your home computer, and do anything you want from there. 12. And another great way is to put UltraSurf on a flash drive and it can be run right off of the flash drive automatically updates itself and connects to a proxy server. Tips • A good proxy website is because it is ad-free and because it is very hard to block (and if your school tracks your history they won’t care about a science website, so its harder to get in trouble. ) • TO get on sites that require logging in, use “” • You may use • When you go to Google to search for proxies, use Quotations and reword some words like web with say, network. • Ask your friends or other resources for sites. • The best idea to stay out of trouble at school is to not go to blocked and/or banned websites at school. • Another piece of software you can use is called Pingfu, which can be found at • Some filters dont block sites, it may be possible to access a cgi proxy through a site such as • If your school blocks a certain proxy sometimes you can google it then click on “cahched” which will display the page and be able to use the proxy. Adaptive firewalls will catch this and permanently block the site. Also putting spaces in words like p r o x y. a b c 1 2 3. c o m is a way to search the proxy without the filter catching it. • if this dosent work, try some of the links in the related wikihows • Also, you can try going on some of the same sites hosted by different countries, such as the UK youtube, because most schools only block the US site, or vice versa. • Some schools have filters that will shut down your computer upon writing things such as ‘myspace’ or ‘proxy’ into any text box including that of a proxy site. Test this function in your free time to see if it is true with your school. • A proxy can be easily accessed by typing [any letter] Try other letters (,,, ) if these are blocked. Warnings • Don’t be stupid. This basically means that you don’t just use your proxy to look up inappropriate material. If you do that, you deserve to be caught—not to mention that a lot of schools can track that anyway, even if you did delete the history. • Don’t assume your schools IT Administrator is dumb. He/She would have studied pretty hard to get to his or her position. So if you think you are automatically smarter than them, don’t even think about trying this. However, if you know y
How To Use Google As Proxy Server | Limeproxies

How To Use Google As Proxy Server | Limeproxies

Method 1: Using GoogleWeblight
Method 2: Using Google Translator
When in 1991 the internet became available for public, we didn’t know that it will become the holy grail of our lives. It has and will continue to have a huge impact on our day-to-day activities.
As the internet became popular and a household name so did its commercialization. Today everything is available on the internet: from music to food, to even your life partner – you will find it all.
So what happens when you open such a mammoth network for the public, give control to them and let them use it however they seem fit. The answer to this is a huge list but below are few important points to note:
From government’s point of view, they lose control. People can openly criticize the government, have an open discussion on social media and as the majority of the population is connected to each other through the internet, this can have a huge impact.
People can share copyrighted contents
These are the two main points that gave rise to internet censorship. So what does government do. A simple answer would be that they can temporarily block all social media or websites as we saw this happen in few countries recently.
Giants like Netflix or Hulu, also geo-restrict their contents.
Apart from this, your ISP also controls your internet experience. They throttle your internet speed depending on the amount you are paying them and collect your online footprint.
The rise of proxies:
When there are restrictions, smart people will always find a way to bypass them. This lead to the development and rise of VPN and proxies.
Here’s how to understand what a Proxy or VPN does. Suppose your ISP has blocked a website, now to access this blocked website you will first send a request to a server outside your country and that server will fetch the website on your behalf. As the server belongs to a country where the website is not blocked, you will be able to view the website
Check also this: Web scraping for business.
This server acts as a middleman and you do not have to directly request access for the website, hence it is called a proxy server.
Using Google as a proxy server:
As I mentioned earlier, smart people will always find a way to bypass restrictions and the best way I recently stumbled upon was using Google as a proxy server.
Don’t rub your eyes, you read it right, “Google”. Actually, there are two simple ways which I will explain in detail.
GoogleWeblight is a wonderful initiative by Google to speed up website loading time when using Google Chrome. It removes ads and other unnecessary components and thus speeds up the browsing and saves data as well. To achieve this, Google routes the traffic through their servers.
When using Google as a proxy, as few website components are not loaded, the website may appear a bit different but it’s better than no website at all.
So Google acts as a middleman or proxy server. To load a website using Weblight, use the below URL
(Change the WEBSITE URL to your own URL)”
A point worth noting is that Google won’t be able to show all the websites that you access through Weblight as not all pages can be transcoded
Google can translate web pages from one language to another. When you use Google translator, using its servers it will convert the contents of the page to your requested language, this enables us to use it as a proxy server. Follow below mentioned simple steps to achieve this.
Step 1: Open Step 2: Enter the website address that you wish to access in the first box, example Step 3: Now in the second box choose any language other than the one the web page originally is in and click on the link
Step 4: Once the web page loads, click on “Original” to view the original web page
These were the simple tricks that can make Google works as a proxy server for you. Although it may not be as powerful as using a paid proxy server it’s worth a try and can be useful in case you need to check a website when you do not have a proxy handy.
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Proxy Setting in Google Chrome -

Proxy Setting in Google Chrome –

HomeHelpTutorialsProxyProxy Setting in Google Chrome
Google Chrome uses your computer’s system proxy settings to connect to the network. Changing these settings will affect Google Chrome as well as Internet Explorer or other programs that connect to the Internet. In order to use a proxy in Internet Explorer you will need to:
To set up or change network connections, follow these steps:
Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar
Select Settings
Click Show advanced settings
In the “Network” section, click Change proxy settings. This will open the Internet Properties dialog (Windows) where you can adjust your network settings
Click on the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.
Under Proxy server, click to select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.
In the Address box, type the IP address of the proxy server. Your proxies are delivered as PROXY_IP:PORT_NUMBER like for example 1. 2. 3. 4:0000 so in this example 1. 4 would be the IP and 0000 would be the port number
In the Port box, type the port number that is used by the proxy server for client connections (by default, 8080).
You can click to select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box if you do not want the proxy server computer to be used when you connect to a computer on the local network (this may speed up performance).
Click OK to close the LAN Settings dialog box.
Click OK again to close the Internet Options dialog box.
Browse to or to check that it shows the IP of your proxy as being your own
You can check our video tutorials on Google Chrome Proxy Settings that our users submitted in our Double Your Proxies program in our Google Chrome video tutorials section.
All our available video tutorials are posted on our youtube channel
Private Proxies for Chrome
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* all of our proxies are subscription based
Tags: howto, proxy settings, chrome proxy, google chrome proxy, chrome proxies, proxy setup, proxy configuration, proxy config, chrome

Frequently Asked Questions about google site proxy

Can I use Google as proxy?

Google can translate web pages from one language to another. When you use Google translator, using its servers it will convert the contents of the page to your requested language, this enables us to use it as a proxy server.Mar 8, 2018

How do I get Google proxy server?

Click on the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings. Under Proxy server, click to select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box. In the Address box, type the IP address of the proxy server.

How do I access proxy sites?

Using the ProxySite Proxy. Go to in your browser. is another free proxy server website you can use to get around blocked websites. If this site is blocked on your computer, there are other free proxy websites you can use.Sep 23, 2021

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