Proxy Keywords

kwsbin/ File Reference – Kaldi ASR

58 { 59 try { 60 using namespace kaldi; 61 using namespace fst; 62 using std::vector; 63 using std::string; 65 typedef kaldi::uint64 uint64; 68 69 const char *usage = 70 “Convert the keywords into in-vocabulary words using the given phone\n” 71 “level edit distance fst (). The large lexicon () and\n” 72 “inverted small lexicon (L1′) are also expected to be present. We\n” 73 “actually use the composed FST to be more efficient. Ideally\n” 74 “we should have used L2xExL1′ but this is quite computationally\n” 75 “expensive at command level. is in the transcription\n” 76 “format. If kwlist-wspecifier is given, the program also prints out\n” 77 “the proxy fst in a format where each line is \”kwid weight proxy\””. \n”” 78 “”\n”” 79 “”Usage: generate-proxy-keywords [options] <> \\\n”” 80 “” [kwlist-wspecifier] \n”” 81 “” e. g. : generate-proxy-keywords L1′ \\\n”” 82 “” [ark

]\n””; 83 85 86 int32 max_states = 100000; 87 int32 phone_nbest = 50; 88 int32 proxy_nbest = 100; 89 double phone_beam = 5; 90 double proxy_beam = 5; 91 gister(“”phone-nbest””

Prune KxL2xE transducer to only

Prune KxL2xE transducer to only “” 92 “”contain top n phone sequences

-1 means all sequences. “”); 93 gister(“”proxy-nbest””

Frequently Asked Questions about proxy keywords

Prune KxL2xExL1′ transducer to “” 94 “”only contain top n proxy keywords

-1 means all proxies. “”); 95 gister(“”phone-beam””


Prune KxL2xE transducer to the “” 96 “”given beam

-1 means no prune. “”); 97 gister(“”proxy-beam””


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