Proxy Meaning In Spanish

proxy – Spanish translation – Linguee

You change proxy server settings for Direct Access.
Cambia la configuración del servidor proxy para Acceso directo.
The proxy holder shall enjoy the same [… ]rights to speak and ask questions in the general meeting as those to which the shareholder
[… ]thus represented would be entitled.
El representante disfrutará de los [… ]mismos derechos a hablar y a formular preguntas en la junta general que tendría el accionista al que representa.
In a health care proxy, you choose someone [… ]to make decisions for you if you become unable to do so.
En un poder de atención médica, usted elige [… ]a alguien para que tome decisiones de parte suya si usted es incapaz de hacerlo.
The by-type output filters are never applied on proxy requests.
Los filtros de salida por tipo no se aplican nunca en peticiones proxy.
A Jury member may
[… ]
give his or her proxy in writing to [… ]another Jury member.
Un miembro del
Jurado podrá dar poder por escrito a [… ]otro miembro del Jurado.
Further, we have been targeted by
[… ] various forms of fourth generation warfare,
of which the proxy war and cross-border [… ]terrorism have been the primary manifestations.
Además, hemos sido blanco de varias
[… ] formas de guerra de cuarta generación, de las
que las guerras de poder y el terrorismo [… ]internacional son sus manifestaciones principales.
For example, the following configuration will prevent the proxy server from being used to access the
Por ejemplo, la siguiente configuración evitará que se use el servidor proxy para acceder al sitio web
Therefore, it is considered only proxy to the real value of private investment.
Así pues, se considera que guarda relación con el valor real de la inversión privada.
They may often have to be proxy indicators, as results [… ]of advocacy are often intangible (especially the intermediate results
[… ]before policy change is achieved).
Es posible que a menudo tengan que ser indicadores [… ]indirectos, ya que los resultados de las actividades de incidencia política
[… ]son muchas veces intangibles (especialmente los resultados intermedios, antes de que se concrete el cambio de política).
Your browser could be attempting to connect through a proxy server.
Es posible que el explorador intente conectarse a través de un servidor proxy.
The completed proxy forms may be [… ]handed in at the nearest branch of the Bank or can be sent by post to the Shareholders
[… ]Office at José Ortega y Gasset 29, 28006 Madrid.
Una vez cumplimentada, puede entregarse en [… ]la Sucursal del Banco más próxima o remitirse por correo a la Oficina del Accionista,
[… ]José Ortega y Gasset, 29, 28006 Madrid.
Each full member may authorise another full member to represent it
at the General Assembly (written proxy).
Cada miembro efectivo puede autorizar a otro miembro efectivo a representarle en la
Asamblea General (poder a procuradores).
NGOs maintaining formal relations which cannot or do not wish to participate in the
Conference should be entitled to vote by proxy or by correspondence.
Las organizaciones no gubernamentales
[… ] que mantengan relaciones formales y deseen votar
deberían poder ejercer su derecho por procuración o por correspondencia.
Where a proxy holder holds proxies from several shareholders, [… ]the applicable law shall enable him to cast votes for a certain
[… ]shareholder differently from votes cast for another shareholder.
Cuando un representante tenga representaciones de varios [… ]accionistas, la legislación aplicable le permitirá emitir votos
[… ]de signo distinto en función de cada accionista.
If a proxy server is used, [… ]you must also use specific browser settings.
Si se emplea un servidor [… ]proxy, también es necesario utilizar una configuración específica del navegador.
This means that
only one copy of this proxy statement may have been [… ]sent to multiple stockholders in a stockholder’s household.
Esto significa que sólo se puede haber enviado una
copia de esta información para carta poder a varios [… ]accionistas de un solo grupo de accionistas.
Each Director present, either in person or by proxy, will have one vote.
Cada Consejero, presente o debidamente representado, dispondrá de un voto.
Except for
cases of public proxy solicitation, which are subject to the prevailing legal provisions, no person can accumulate proxy votes that together [… ]with his votes give him voting rights to over 3% of the share capital.
Salvo los supuestos de
representación pública a los que se aplicarán las reglas legales en vigor ninguna persona podrá acumular representaciones que con sus votos [… ]propios le atribuyan derechos de voto por encima del 3% del capital social.
A member network may be represented by
another member voting by proxy.
Cada red miembro podrá ser representada por otro miembro
y votar por procuración.
However, when less than fifty per cent of the voting share capital is
[… ] present at the meeting in
person or by proxy, a reinforced majority of two thirds of the voting share capital present in person or by proxy is required for [… ]the adoption of resolutions.
Cuando concurran accionistas que
representen menos del cincuenta por ciento del capital suscrito con derecho a voto, los acuerdos sólo podrán adoptarse con el voto favorable [… ]de los dos tercios
[… ]del capital presente o representado en la Junta.
However, one
person acting as a proxy holder should be able to hold proxies from more than [… ]one shareholder.
Sin embargo, una persona que actúe como representante deberá poder serlo de más de [… ]un accionista.
In none of the three situations (refusal, absence
[… ] and inability to answer) is it allowed for another person from the human group to
answer for the selected person (proxy).
En ninguna de las tres situaciones (negativa, ausencia e
[… ] incapacidad para contestar) está permitido que otra persona del grupo humano
conteste por la persona seleccionada (proxy).
This proxy statement and accompanying proxy is being sent to [… ]stockholders entitled to vote on or about February 28, 2005.
Esta información para carta poder y la carta poder que la acompaña [… ]se envía a los accionistas con derecho a voto el día
[… ]28 de febrero, 2005 o en una fecha cercana al mismo.
will mail the proxy statement/prospectus [… ]to its stockholders.
Sovereign enviará a sus accionistas
por correo el proxy statement / prospecto.
It identified candidate proxy variables and devised a programme for the development of the model and a prospector’s guide.
Identificó posibles indicadores indirectos y formuló un programa para la elaboración del modelo y de una guía del prospector.
In cases where a firewall or other proxy receives the requests and forwards them on a different IP address to the server, you must specify the IP address of the physical interface on the machine which will be servicing the requests.
En los casos en que en las peticiones las recibe un firewall (cortafuegos) o un proxy y las redirige a una dirección IP diferente del servidor, debe especificar la dirección IP del adaptador de red físico de la máquina que servirá las peticiones.
Whenever monitoring occurs, the analyst or proxy should also generate a brief report, highlighting circumstances that could endanger loan repayment.
Donde quiera que se de dicho monitoreo, el analista o delegado deberá generar un breve informe indicando las circunstancias que podrían poner en peligro el pago del préstamo.
Currently, new agreements with proxy regimes are being prepared, inter alia in the field of military cooperation.
En la actualidad, se están preparando nuevos acuerdos con los regímenes sustitutivos en áreas como la cooperación militar.
a mechanism for casting votes, whether
[… ] before or during the general meeting, without
the need to appoint a proxy holder who is physically [… ]present at the meeting.
un mecanismo para emitir votos bien
[… ] antes, bien durante la junta general sin
necesidad de nombrar a un representante que esté físicamente [… ]presente en la junta.
Proxy measures have been taken for [… ]each of these three concepts, and for the same base year.
Se utilizaron medidas indirectas [… ]para cada uno de estos tres conceptos y para el mismo año de referencia.
Spanish Translation of “proxy” - Collins Dictionary

Spanish Translation of “proxy” – Collins Dictionary

noun(= power) poder m
(= person) apoderado
(apoderada) m/fby proxy por poderesto be married by proxy casarse por poderes Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
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Examples of ‘proxy’ in a sentence
proxyExample sentences from the Collins Corpus
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This class of viewer was a good proxy for other has for too long been used as a proxy fiasco prompted the council to issue an alert on its website at lunchtime offering emergency proxy votes to secure some improvement in attendance, the right to vote by proxy was deadline for proxy votes closed last nesday is the deadline for proxy votes and some hedge funds could convert their positions to take control of the votes today or tomorrow. A good proxy for mortgage lending is the number of mortgage approvals for house deny conspiring to defraud the borough’s returning officer by dishonestly causing and permitting applications for proxy it is difficult to quantify such constraints explicitly, the budget limit may be used as a deal is expected to go through, but the appointment of a proxy agent suggested advisers are not counting their chickens. Example sentences from Collins dictionariesIf you cannot come to the meeting, you may vote by differences are used as a proxy for differences in sent him as her proxy to board not attending the meeting may vote by vote by proxy
Proxy - English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict

Proxy – English to Spanish Translation – SpanishDict

A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e. g. man, dog, house). noun1. (representative)a. el representante (m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). (M), la representante (f) means that a noun is feminine. (F)Our lawyers have been in negotiations with the company and its proxies for some estros abogados llevan varios meses negociando con la empresa y sus representantes. b. el apoderado (m) means that a noun is masculine. (M), la apoderada (f) means that a noun is feminine. (F)You may appoint someone as your proxy to vote at the nombrar a un apoderado que vote en tu nombre en la reunión. 2. (authorization)a. el poder (m) means that a noun is masculine. (M)Members may vote in person or by socios pueden votar en persona o por poder. los poderes (m) means that a noun is masculine. (M)Regionalism used in Spain(Spain)I married by proxy because my husband-to-be was in Seoul, and my dad wouldn’t let me travel there casé por poderes porque mi futuro marido estaba en Seúl y mi padre no me dejaba viajar hasta allí si no estaba casada. 3. (document)a. (M)This person holds proxies authorizing him to vote on behalf of several persona tiene poderes que lo autorizan a votar en nombre de varios accionistas. 4. (computing)a. el proxy (m) means that a noun is masculine. (M)Do you know whether it’s illegal to use a proxy to watch British TV in Spain? ¿Sabes si es ilegal utilizar un proxy para ver la televisión británica en España? An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e. the big dog). adjective5. (done by a representative)a. por poder (phrase)There is no provision for proxy votes in our voto por poder no está contemplado en nuestra constitución. por poderes (phrase)Regionalism used in Spain(Spain)The deadline for proxy and postal votes is Friday, May plazo para los votos por poderes y por correo se cierra el viernes, 13 de pyright © Curiosity Media More Translations for FreeLearn more with unlimited dictionary access. Sign up for free noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e. Noun1. (person)a. el apoderado(a)(m) means that a noun is masculine. (M) la apoderado(a)(f) means that a noun is feminine. (F)2. (power)a. el poder(m) means that a noun is masculine. (M)to vote by proxyvotar por poderesCopyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limitedproxy [ˈprɒksɪ] noun (power) poder (m); (person) apoderadoaapoderada (m) (f);a apoderada by proxy por poderes; to be married by proxy casarse por poderesmodifierproxy vote (n) voto (m) por poderesCollins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011Machine TranslatorsTranslate proxy using machine translatorsSee Machine TranslationsWant to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. SpanishDict PremiumHave you tried it yet? Here’s what’s included:Cheat sheetsNo adsLearn offline on iOSFun phrasebooksLearn Spanish fasterSupport SpanishDictSpanishDict is the world’s most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. © Curiosity Media Inc.

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