Google Chrome Socks

Configuring a SOCKS proxy server in Chrome – The … To configure chrome to proxy traffic through the SOCKS v5 proxy server myproxy:8080, launch chrome with these two command-line flags:–proxy-server=”socks5myproxy:8080″–host-resolver-rules=”MAP * ~NOTFOUND, EXCLUDE myproxy”ExplanationThe –proxy-server=”socks5myproxy:8080″ flag tells Chrome to send all and URL requests through the SOCKS proxy server “myproxy:8080”, […]

Dns Over Ssh

DNS over SSH Tunnel – Super User I want to setup my OSX system such that all network traffic is done through an SSH tunnel. I’ve written a small script for this purpose, and these are the commands executed by it: # setup tunnel ssh -fN -D 1080 -p 22 […]