Stop Fingerprinting

What is browser fingerprinting? Here’s how to prevent it What is browser fingerprinting? It’s creepy, that’s what! It tracks your online behavior, allowing others to know who you are as you browse the internet — all without any need for account logins or cookies. Just like a human fingerprint, your […]

Browser Fingerprints

The Top Browser Fingerprinting Techniques Explained To generate a highly accurate browser fingerprint, many techniques are used to gather information about the user that can differentiate them from millions of others online. In this article, we review some of the most common methods used in a browser fingerprinting script. Also […]

Eff Browser Fingerprint Test

Test Your Online Privacy Protection with EFF’s Panopticlick San Francisco – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) launched new online tracker-testing in its Panopticlick tool today, helping you analyze the privacy protections in your Web browser. When you visit a website, online trackers and the site itself may be able to […]