How To Vote On Strawpoll – Create a Straw Poll in Seconds

Simple. Fast. Free.
Choose the type of your poll:
How It Works
1. Create
Choose a poll type and fill it out.
2. Share
Send your poll to other people.
3. Get Results
Check the results in real-time.
Our Types of Polls
Straw Poll
A straw poll is a voting that can be used to help people to easily determine the opinion of a group or the public on some issue. Straw polls are very useful when only the majority opinion is important and not the opinion of each individual participant.
Private or public polls
Anonymous voting
Unlimited participants
Real-time results
Avoidance of duplicate voting
Get Started
Meeting Poll
StrawPoll Meetings is a great and simple tool to schedule meetings and other times with clients, colleagues or friends. A meeting poll is very helpful in situations where the opinion of each individual participant is important.
Easy date picking
Always private
Email invitations
Votes can be edited later
Excel export
StrawPoll Features
Save money! All our polls and meetings are 100% free to create.
VPN Detection
By default, VPN users are blocked from voting on straw polls.
Our polls run indefinetly. You can change that by setting a deadline.
Emoji Support
We support all Emojis natively. Feel free to use as many as you want!
In schools, universities or at work, set the options accordingly.
Manage all your polls in a single place by using your account dashboard.
We provide an easy to use API for poll creation and result analysis.
We are activly working on more features. Send us your feature requests!
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If you want to join StrawPoll, you can sign up for a free account. It’s recommended, but not mandatory.
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How to Make a Poll on Discord - A step-by-step Guide - Remote Tools

How to Make a Poll on Discord – A step-by-step Guide – Remote Tools

In this article, you’ll learn how to make a poll on Discord, on both web and mobile, using poll bots, as well as without using them.
Online polls are a great way of gauging public opinion on various topics and matters. They can be a powerful way to get feedback on a product or service. Polls are also good for understanding the psychographics or demographics of your target audience.
If you’re a steamer and you have a Discord community, you can use polls to keep the community engaged and give your followers a way to make their views known. Further, polls have a higher participation rate than asking people to type out their answers, because they require just one click.
Even if you are a part of a company that uses Discord for work-related conversations, using polls on Discord can be really helpful. You can ask all members of the team when or where to hold a company retreat, for instance, or generate quantitative feedback on a new product feature by asking simple yes/no questions.
There are many ways to create a poll on Discord, as we explore in more detail in this article.
How to make a poll on Discord using Emoji reactions
Create a poll channel on your Discord server
How to use Discord poll bots to create polls
Using Discord’s own in-built ‘reactions’ is a great way to quickly set up a poll and generate results. The way this works is, you type in a message and send it on a channel where you want to ask the question. Note that you must tag @everyone to notify them of the poll. Next, just ask members to express their stance using Discord’s built-in emoji reactions.
For instance, if it’s a simple Yes/ No poll, you can ask members to react to the message and use the ✅ (Tick mark) for ‘Yes’ and ❌(Cross) for ‘No’.
Here’s the step-by-step process on how to make a poll on Discord using Emoji reactions:
Step 1. Navigate to the server and channel where you want to input your poll
Step 2. Type in your poll question
Step 3. Press ‘Shift + Enter’ to move to a new line, tag @everyone, and type in the instructions for the poll
Step 4. That’s it, members in the channel can input their answers to the poll question by reacting to the message with the chosen emojis
If you are running a poll with more than two options, you can number each option in the poll instructions and ask members to vote by choosing the number emojis, like this:
Note that there are both benefits and drawbacks to using reactions to make a poll on Discord.
It’s fast and easy to set up.
You can see results instantaneously by checking how many people have voted for which option.
However, members won’t be able to cast their votes anonymously, because when you hover over the reactions, Discord will also show who posted that reaction.
Members may not respect the poll’s instructions and instead react to it with irrelevant emojis.
Further, your poll question might get drowned out by newer messages.
You can also create a new dedicated channel on your server for polls and questions. To do so, follow these steps:
Step 1. Click on the ‘+’ icon next to “Text channels” on Discord, in the left sidebar
Step 2. Enter a name for the channel (like “Polls”), and click on ‘Create Channel’
Step 3. Click on the gear icon next to the channel name, and go to ‘Permissions’
Step 4. Under “Roles/Members”, select @everyone and select only “Read Messages”, “Add Reactions” and disable other allowed actions
Step 5. Click on ‘Save Changes’
Now, you can use this channel solely for the purpose of making polls on Discord. Other members of the server won’t be able to post their own messages in this channel, they’ll only be able to read and react to your poll messages.
Discord is not just a text & voice chat application, but so much more. It offers extensive customisation features and even allows developers to create ‘bots’ to perform a range of tasks within the app. You’ll find Discord bots to automate certain functions and even enhance the experience by expanding the platform’s functionality.
Similarly, you can integrate the Discord bot ‘Poll Bot’ into your server to create and manage polls. Here’s how to do so:
Step 1. Go to Poll Bot listing on the website and click on “Invite”
Step 2. Sign in to Discord and select the server you want to add the bot to from, under the “Add to server” dropdown
Step 3. Click on “Continue” > “Authorize”
Step 4. Click on “Authorize” and complete the verification process
Step 5. Now, open the Discord app (either on web/ desktop) and log in
Step 6. Go to the server where you installed the bot, and open the channel where you want to create the poll
Step 7. Create the poll using the bot (check below for steps)
Note that Poll Bot lets you create 3 types of polls:
1. Yes/No poll:
Type in the following in the message box and hit enter:
+poll Your question here
Poll Bot will then display your question, as well as a thumbs up, thumbs down, and shrugging reaction emojis.
Channel members can then click on the reaction emojis to cast their votes.
2. Multiple reaction poll:
+poll {Your question} [option 1] [option 2] [option 3]
Poll Bot will then display a message with your question as well as alphabetical emojis for each option.
3. Strawpoll:
+strawpoll {Your question} [option 1] [option 2] [option 3]
Poll Bot will then reply with a message containing a link to a poll on
Channel members can click on the link to go to the strawpoll poll and cast their votes.
Straw poll - Wikipedia

Straw poll – Wikipedia

A straw poll, straw vote, or straw ballot is an ad hoc or unofficial vote. It is used to show the popular opinion on a certain matter, and can be used to help politicians know the majority opinion and help them decide what to say in order to gain votes.
Straw polls provide dialogue among movements within large groups. [1][2] Impromptu straw polls often are taken to see if there is enough support for an idea to devote more meeting time to it, and (when not a secret ballot) for the attendees to see who is on which side of a question. However, in meetings subject to Robert’s Rules of Order, motions to take straw polls are not allowed. [3]
Among political bodies, straw polls often are scheduled for events at which many people interested in the polling question can be expected to vote. Sometimes polls conducted without ordinary voting controls in place (i. e., on an honor system, such as in online polls) are also called “straw polls”.
The idiom may allude to a straw (thin plant stalk) held up to see in what direction the wind blows, in this case, the wind of group opinion. [4][5][6]
United States politics[edit]
A formal straw poll is common in American political caucuses. Such straw polls can be taken before selecting delegates and voting on resolutions. The results of straw polls are taken by the media to influence delegates in caucus later (as well as delegates to political conventions), and thus serve as important precursors. Straw polls are also scheduled informally by other organizations interested in the U. S. presidential election.
Well-known American straw polls include the Ames Straw Poll and the Texas Straw Poll, both conducted on behalf of their respective state Republican Party organizations. Being run by private organizations, they are not subject to public oversight or verifiability. However, they provide important interactive dialogue among movements within large groups, reflecting trends like organization and motivation. [1][2]
The Ames straw poll achieved a reputation as a meaningful straw poll during the presidential campaign because of its large voter turnout and relatively high media recognition, as well as Iowa’s being the first state to vote in caucuses before the primaries. In 2015 the Iowa Republican Party voted to abolish the poll, after a majority of presidential candidates declined to participate. The Iowa State Fair Straw Polls for both the Republican and Democratic races were conducted at the Iowa State Fair instead.
The U. territory of Guam holds a presidential straw poll during every presidential election, despite the island’s having no official say in the election.
Other types of polls[edit]
Straw polls are contrasted with opinion polls, usually conducted by telephone and based on samples of the voting public. Straw polls can also be contrasted with honor-system polls (such as online polls), in which ordinary voting controls are absent. In an ordinary event-based straw poll, controls common to elections are enforced: voting twice is prohibited; polls are not open for inordinately long periods of time; interim results are not publicized before polls close; etc. Honor-system polls may be conducted wholly online, conducted at one location over a period of months, conducted with interim results publicized, or even conducted with explicit permission to vote multiple times.
The meaning of results from the varying poll types is disputed. Opinion polls are generally conducted with statistical selection controls in place and are thus called “scientific”, while straw polls and honor-system polls are conducted among self-selected populations and are called “unscientific”. However, as predictors of poll results among larger populations (i. e., elections), each method has known flaws.
A margin of error is intrinsic in any subset polling method, and is a mathematical function of the difference in size between the subset and the larger population; sampling error is constant across different poll methods with the same sample sizes. Selection bias, nonresponse bias, or coverage bias occurs when the conditions for subset polling significantly differ from the conditions for the larger poll or election; event-based straw polls, where registration often closely mirrors voter registration, suffer less from nonresponse bias than opinion polls, where inclusion generally means owning a landline phone, being the party that answers the phone, being willing to answer the poll questions, and being a “likely voter” based on pollster criteria. Response bias occurs when respondents do not indicate their true beliefs, such as in bias due to intentional manipulation by respondents, haste, social pressure, or confusion; such biases may be present in any polling situation. Wording of questions may also inject bias, although this is more likely in a telephone setting than in an event-based ballot setting.
By relying on identity information, such as that publicly traceable to telephone numbers or voter registration addresses and that voluntarily provided by respondents such as age and gender, polls can be made more scientific. Straw polls may be improved by: asking identity questions, tracing group-based trends, and publishing statistical studies of the data. Opinion polls may be improved by more closely mirroring the larger poll or election anticipated, such as in wording of questions and inclusion procedure. Honor-system polls may be improved by adding ordinary voting controls; for example, online polls may rely on established social-networking and identity providers for verification to minimize multiple voting.
See also[edit]
Straw polls for the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012
^ a b Vote on the Michigan Republican debate – The Debates –
^ a b My Open Letter To Ron Paul Supporters – Political Capital with John Harwood –
^ Robert, Henry M. ; et al. (2011). Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th ed. ). Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo Press. p. 429. ISBN 978-0-306-82020-5. A motion to take an informal straw poll to “test the water” is not in order because it neither adopts nor rejects a measure and hence is meaningless and dilatory.
^ Christine Ammer. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997)
^ E. Cobham Brewer. Brewers Dictionary of Phrase & Fable (London: Cassell, 1894)
^ William Safire. Safire’s Political Dictionary (New York:, Random House, 1978)

Frequently Asked Questions about how to vote on strawpoll

How do I vote on polls discord?

How to make a poll on Discord using Emoji reactionsNavigate to the server and channel where you want to input your poll.Type in your poll question.Press ‘Shift + Enter’ to move to a new line, tag @everyone, and type in the instructions for the poll.More items…

How does a straw poll work?

A straw poll, straw vote, or straw ballot is an ad hoc or unofficial vote. It is used to show the popular opinion on a certain matter, and can be used to help politicians know the majority opinion and help them decide what to say in order to gain votes. Straw polls provide dialogue among movements within large groups.

How do you do a poll on messenger?

Here’s how: in a group conversation, just the + icon and then select Polls. From there, you can add the question and specific answers for your friends to vote on, and press submit. The poll will appear in the Messenger conversation, where your friends can easily vote.

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