Luminati Productions


drink the kool MENATI
Crocs is a household name known for comfort, color, and cutting edge style. Working closely with the brand, we helped them launch their sustainability campaign through video, photo, and influencer content to highlight their shoe of the future.
The Frontier community knows their brand better than anyone, and we wanted to capture that personalized, deep connection. Working closely with Frontier, we developed a series of videos to be used as brand anthems throughout the organization.
As the brand’s content agency, we’ve worked with BOA to help transform their marketing from a b2b model to a b2c model, creating brand partner compilations, unique athlete pioneer stories, and product-specific videos for distribution across online and social.
Working side-by-side with the UCHealth creative team, we’ve produced everything from broadcast commercials and comedic shorts, to in-depth vignettes and testimonial driven pieces, all designed to help advance the brand’s mission to “Live Extraordinary. ”
Get inked at Lumenati Tattoo


drink the kool MENATI
Crocs is a household name known for comfort, color, and cutting edge style. Working closely with the brand, we helped them launch their sustainability campaign through video, photo, and influencer content to highlight their shoe of the future.
The Frontier community knows their brand better than anyone, and we wanted to capture that personalized, deep connection. Working closely with Frontier, we developed a series of videos to be used as brand anthems throughout the organization.
As the brand’s content agency, we’ve worked with BOA to help transform their marketing from a b2b model to a b2c model, creating brand partner compilations, unique athlete pioneer stories, and product-specific videos for distribution across online and social.
Working side-by-side with the UCHealth creative team, we’ve produced everything from broadcast commercials and comedic shorts, to in-depth vignettes and testimonial driven pieces, all designed to help advance the brand’s mission to “Live Extraordinary. ”
Get inked at Lumenati Tattoo
Luminati Productions LLC in Marina Del Rey, CA - Buzzfile

Luminati Productions LLC in Marina Del Rey, CA – Buzzfile

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Contact Information
Luminati Productions LLC
13701 Marina Pointe Dr
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Rob Cohen
(303) 249-5057
Business Description
Luminati Productions is located in Marina Del Rey, California. This organization primarily operates in the Entertainment Service business / industry within the Amusement and Recreation Services sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 5 years. Luminati Productions is estimated to generate $17, 206 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 1 people at this single location.
* Revenue & Employees are estimates
Demographics for Zipcode 90292
82. 8%
8. 2%
6. 5%
11. 3%
1. 2%
Native American
0. 3%
2. 7%
Employees & Yearly Growth Rates at This Location
Employees at This Location
The information in this chart is primarily composed of estimated or modeled data
Questions & Answers
How big is Luminati Productions?
Luminati Productions is estimated to generate $17, 206 in annual revenues, employs approximately 1 people at this location
Where is Luminati Productions located?
Luminati Productions is located at 13701 Marina Pointe Dr, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. This location is in Los Angeles County and the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Metropolitan Area.
How many people work at Luminati Productions?
Luminati Productions has approximately 1 employees at this location.
Are there other companies located at 13701 Marina Pointe Dr, Marina Del Rey, CA?
How long has Luminati Productions been in business?
Luminati Productions has been in business for approximately 5 years.
Is there a key contact at Luminati Productions?
Rob Cohen is the MBR at Luminati Productions. You can contact Rob at (303) 249-5057.
Is Rob Cohen the only contact you have for Luminati Productions LLC?
What are the annual sales for Luminati Productions?
Luminati Productions generates approximately $17, 206 in annual sales.
What is the phone number for Luminati Productions?
The phone number for Luminati Productions is (303) 249-5057
Business Contacts at Luminati Productions LLC:
1 total Contacts
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Ownership Information
Women Owned
Veteran Owned
Minority Owned
Nearby Resources
Statistics for Zipcode 90292
Average House Value
$ 743, 100
Average Household Income
$ 100, 361
Number of Households
12, 654
Persons per Household
1. 70
Number of Properties
1, 051
Number of Businesses
3, 082
Number of Employees
15, 439
Land Area (square miles)
2. 039
Water Area (square miles)
1. 101

Frequently Asked Questions about luminati productions

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