Selenium Proxy Python

Running Selenium Webdriver with a proxy in Python – Stack …

I am trying to run a Selenium Webdriver script in Python to do some basic tasks. I can get the robot to function perfectly when running it through the Selenium IDE inteface (ie: when simply getting the GUI to repeat my actions). However when I export the code as a Python script and try to execute it from the command line, the Firefox browser will open but cannot ever access the starting URL (an error is returned to command line and the program stops). This is happening me regardless of what website etc I am trying to access.
I have included a very basic code here for demonstration purposes. I don’t think that I have included the proxy section of the code correctly as the error being returned seems to be generated by the proxy.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
The below code is simply meant to open and search for the word “selenium”. For me it opens a blank firefox browser and stops.
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import Select
from import NoSuchElementException
import unittest, time, re
from import *
class Testrobot2(unittest. TestCase):
def setUp(self):
myProxy = ”
proxy = Proxy({
‘Proxy’: myProxy,
‘ftpProxy’: myProxy,
‘sslProxy’: myProxy,
= refox(proxy=proxy)
se_url = ”
rificationErrors = []
cept_next_alert = True
def test_robot2(self):
driver =
(se_url + “/#gs_rn=17&gs_ri=psy-ab&suggest=p&cp=6&gs_id=ix&xhr=t&q=selenium&es_nrs=true&pf=p&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=seleni&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on. 2, or. r_qf. &bvm=bv. 47883778, “)
nd_element_by_id(“gbqfq”). send_keys(“selenium”)
def is_element_present(self, how, what):
try: (by=how, value=what)
except NoSuchElementException, e: return False
return True
def is_alert_present(self):
try: ()
except NoAlertPresentException, e: return False
def close_alert_and_get_its_text(self):
alert = ()
alert_text =
if cept_next_alert:
alert. dismiss()
return alert_text
finally: cept_next_alert = True
def tearDown(self):
sertEqual([], rificationErrors)
if __name__ == “__main__”:
asked Jun 13 ’13 at 8:21
Works for me this way (similar to @Amey and @user4642224 code, but shorter a bit):
from import Proxy, ProxyType
prox = Proxy()
oxy_type =
tp_proxy = “ip_addr:port”
cks_proxy = “ip_addr:port”
l_proxy = “ip_addr:port”
capabilities =
driver = (desired_capabilities=capabilities)
answered Nov 16 ’16 at 9:20
How about something like this
PROXY = “149. 215. 113. 110:70”
REFOX[‘proxy’] = {
# you have to use remote, otherwise you’ll have to code it yourself in python to
driver = (“localhost:4444/wd/hub”, REFOX)
You can read more about it here.
answered Jun 13 ’13 at 17:14
AmeyAmey8, 0928 gold badges37 silver badges59 bronze badges
My solution:
def my_proxy(PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT):
fp = refoxProfile()
# Direct = 0, Manual = 1, PAC = 2, AUTODETECT = 4, SYSTEM = 5
t_preference(“”, 1)
t_preference(“”, PROXY_HOST)
t_preference(“”, int(PROXY_PORT))
t_preference(“eragent. override”, “whater_useragent”)
fp. update_preferences()
return refox(firefox_profile=fp)
Then call in your code:
I had issues with this code because I was passing a string as a port #:
This is important:
You must pass an integer instead of a string or your firefox profile will not be set to a properly port and connection through proxy will not work.
answered Jul 23 ’14 at 20:57
mrkimrki1, 3113 gold badges14 silver badges28 bronze badges
Try setting up sock5 proxy too. I was facing the same problem and it is solved by using the socks proxy
def install_proxy(PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT):
t_preference(“eragent. override”, “Mozilla/5. 0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537. 75. 14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7. 0. 3 Safari/7046A194A”)
Then call
install_proxy ( ip, port) from your program.
answered Jun 1 ’15 at 6:43
chowmeanchowmean1521 silver badge9 bronze badges
If anyone is looking for a solution here’s how:
driver = refox()
Danhdds1312 silver badges8 bronze badges
answered Jun 15 ’15 at 6:11
Proxy with verification. This is a whole new python script in reference from a Mykhail Martsyniuk sample script.
# Load webdriver
# Load proxy option
# Configure Proxy Option
# Proxy IP & Port
tp_proxy = “0. 0:00000”
cks_proxy = “0. 0:00000”
l_proxy = “0. 0:00000”
# Configure capabilities
# Configure ChromeOptions
driver = (executable_path=’/usr/local/share chromedriver’, desired_capabilities=capabilities)
# Verify proxy ip
answered Feb 8 ’19 at 21:28
Mario UveraMario Uvera8311 gold badge7 silver badges7 bronze badges
Try by Setting up FirefoxProfile
import time
“Define Both ProxyHost and ProxyPort as String”
ProxyHost = “54. 84. 95. 51”
ProxyPort = “8083”
def ChangeProxy(ProxyHost, ProxyPort):
“Define Firefox Profile with you ProxyHost and ProxyPort”
profile = refoxProfile()
t_preference(“”, ProxyHost)
t_preference(“”, int(ProxyPort))
profile. update_preferences()
return refox(firefox_profile=profile)
def FixProxy():
“”Reset Firefox Profile””
t_preference(“”, 0)
driver = ChangeProxy(ProxyHost, ProxyPort)
driver = FixProxy()
This program tested on both Windows 8 and Mac OSX. If you are using Mac OSX and if you don’t have selenium updated then you may face If so, then try again after upgrading your selenium
pip install -U selenium
answered Jul 3 ’16 at 10:10
Rafayet UllahRafayet Ullah1, 0581 gold badge13 silver badges27 bronze badges
The result stated above may be correct, but isn’t working with the latest webdriver.
Here is my solution for the above question. Simple and sweet
_proxy = “ip_addr:port”
_proxy = “ip:port”
proxyDict = {
“”: _proxy,
“”: _proxy, }
driver = refox(proxy=proxyDict)
answered Jan 16 ’19 at 17:38
The answers above and on this question either didn’t work for me with Selenium 3. 14 and Firefox 68. 9 on Linux, or are unnecessarily complex. I needed to use a WPAD configuration, sometimes behind a proxy (on a VPN), and sometimes not. After studying the code a bit, I came up with:
from import Proxy
from refox_profile import FirefoxProfile
proxy = Proxy({‘proxyAutoconfigUrl’: ‘wpad/’})
profile = FirefoxProfile()
driver = refox(firefox_profile=profile)
The Proxy initialization sets proxyType to (autoconfiguration from a URL) as a side-effect.
It also worked with Firefox’s autodetect, using:
from import ProxyType
proxy = Proxy({‘proxyType’: TODETECT})
But I don’t think this would work with both internal URLs (not proxied) and external (proxied) the way WPAD does. Similar proxy settings should work for manual configuration as well. The possible proxy settings can be seen in the code here.
Note that directly passing the Proxy object as proxy=proxy to the driver does NOT work–it’s accepted but ignored (there should be a deprecation warning, but in my case I think Behave is swallowing it).
answered Jun 5 ’20 at 22:28
This worked for me and allow to use an headless browser, you just need to call the method passing your proxy.
def setProxy(proxy):
options = Options()
options. headless = True
d_argument(“–window-size=1920, 1200”)
tp_proxy = proxy
l_proxy = proxy
return (desired_capabilities=capabilities, options=options, executable_path=DRIVER_PATH)
answered Aug 21 ’20 at 10:30
Scraping the data from any online source is quite easy when scraping APIs are used. You can try using scraper API to scrape the information from webpages and it automatically parses the web data. API can be integrated into your source code as well. Other than using API to scrape data, you can try the under-mentioned source code in beautiful soup to scrape data using CSS selectors. Before trying this code, please note that the select() method can be utilized to find numerous elements. Along with that, select_one() to be used search single element.
Source Code:
from import Options
PROXY = “177. 46. 141. 143:59393” #your proxy (ip address: port no)
chrome_options = romeOptions()
d_argument(‘–proxy-server=%s’% PROXY)
chrome = (chrome_options=chrome_options)
answered Jun 29 at 18:51
BilalBilal111 bronze badge
As stated by @Dugini, some config entries have been removed. Maximal:
answered Apr 27 ’19 at 15:20
serv-incserv-inc30. 6k9 gold badges134 silver badges154 bronze badges
try running tor service, add the following function to your code.
def connect_tor(port):
t_default_proxy(OXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, ‘127. 1’, port, True)
= cksocket
def main():
orde5, 1646 gold badges30 silver badges33 bronze badges
answered Jul 10 ’18 at 9:06
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Multiple Proxy Servers in Selenium Web-driver Python - Medium

Multiple Proxy Servers in Selenium Web-driver Python – Medium

Last update: December, 2020While scraping data from a website, due to large number of requests, website stop their service for user IP address or block user for further requests. In such case Proxying is very useful when conducting intensive web crawling/scrapping or when you just want to hide your identity (anonymization). ProxiesInstall -request-randomizerCollect proxy listUse proxy in Selenium Web driverIterate over proxy listUse Country specific proxyNext TotorialProxies provide a way to use server P (the middleman) to contact server A and then route the response back to you. In more nefarious circles, it’s a prime way to make your presence unknown and pose as many clients to a website instead of just one client. Often times websites will block IPs that make too many requests, and proxies is a way to get around install -request-randomizer3. 1 Check IP address and country of proxy>> proxies[0]. get_address()>> ‘179. 127. 241. 199:53653’>>proxies[0]. country>>’Brazil’4. 1 Select proxyPROXY = proxies[0]. get_address()print(PROXY)>>’179. 199:53653’4. 2 Use in Firefox4. 3 Use in Chrome4. 3 Check your IP address in (”)you will see proxy address which you have selected as your IP address not your actual IP address, you can see your actual IP address on you can iterate over proxy list, use web-driver one by one with each proxy and close it. check how many requests a particular websites allows and use a single proxy for that many requestsUsually proxy address slows down internet speed, to overcome this problem you can use proxies of your country, which may be faster than other proxies. but this may reduce number of proxy significantly, for example if I have total 800 proxies and if I select only proxies from India then I may get less than 50 proxies out of this way you can create list of any specific this way you can user proxy, you may get proxy list other then “-request-randomizer” Module, On internet there are lots of proxy These proxies require a good internet connection, and some of these proxies may not work, so try with different Coming soon…Please clap if you like this tutorialJoin our Telegram channel for more updates, study resources and discussion
Running Selenium Webdriver with a proxy in Python.

Running Selenium Webdriver with a proxy in Python.

We can run a proxy with Selenium webdriver in Python. A proxy is an essential component to do localization testing. We can take an e-commerce application and check if the language and currency visible is as per the user the help of proxy within tests, we can verify if the website user interface matches with the location. We have to SET a proxy with below steps −Import webdriver from Selenium proxy server an object of ChromeOptions classCommunication of proxy with mming options to Chrome() object. ExampleCode selenium import webdriver
#proxy server definition
py = “128. 21. 0. 0:8080”
#configure ChromeOptions class
chrome_options = romeOptions()
#proxy parameter to options
d_argument(‘–proxy-server=%s’% py)
#options to Chrome()
driver = (chrome_options= chrome_options)
plicitly_wait(0. 6)
(“)Then, to check if a search field has the present user address we shall add the below code snippet −def checkL(self):
st = (‘#loc’)
#check location with assertion
sertEqual(‘India’, )If we have to verify more than locations, we can create a method and pass the proxy address as an argument.
Published on 28-Dec-2020 11:07:10
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Frequently Asked Questions about selenium proxy python

Can you use proxies with Selenium?

As of now, there are two options to handle authenticated proxies. … The best way to integrate authenticated proxies with Selenium is by using PhantomJS as a headless browser instead of the Chrome WebDriver. However, it is also possible to add a browser extension that does the authentication for Selenium.Nov 19, 2020

Which code is used in Selenium to configure the use of proxy?

Following piece of code used to set proxy in Selenium. ChromeOptions option = new ChromeOptions(); Proxy proxy = new Proxy(); proxy. setHttpProxy(“localhost:5555”); option.Dec 10, 2018

How do I create a proxy server in Python?

Creating a Proxy Webserver in Python | Set 1Creating an incoming socket. We create a socket serverSocket in the __init__ method of the Server Class. This creates a socket for the incoming connections. … Accept client and process. This is the easiest yet the most important of all the steps. … Redirecting the traffic.Nov 15, 2017

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